

Virginia Loo

Released Oct 14

A story about trying to become a single mom

  • Virginia Loo


    Virginia Loo has a doctorate in epidemiology, but doesn’t practice public health anymore. Except in times of global pandemics, in which case everyone thinks they are an epidemiologist, so she does too. She lives in Honolulu with her family.

  • Spoiler Alert

    B and Me

my child, let’s call him B, short for Behemoth

“There were more ways to get off this fertility cliff than to just fall off or close my eyes and hide in a barrel. With the right preparation couldn’t I strive to be a Mexican cliff diver, or Greg Louganis at the 1988 Olympics? But then, why dive at all? My plan could take me in a totally different direction. More like building a rocket and launching it at the moon.  This would be the Mother of all plans, the kind of plan that would require the cooperation of a lot of different people and serious monetary resources and an exquisite sense of timing and that was just the beginning.”